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Java programming language is a robust & versatile platform, enabling developers to Write software on one platform and run it on another, create programs to run within a web browser, develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, and polls. Write applications for cell phones and other consumer devices. About the Course The course shall present a careful balance between traditional problem-solving techniques and object-oriented design. Embracing the object-oriented paradigm, objects shall be introduce early in Lesson 2 and use them throughout, introducing features as needed in a gentle manner. Lessons 4 - 7 focus on the traditional data and control structures, using objects as needed. Lesson 8 provides a more in-depth study of object-oriented design, providing detailed coverage of visibility, polymorphism, and inheritance. Objectives: (1) Understand the Java programming language concepts and principles; (2) Expand the ability in programming by studying some higher lessons in Java; (3) Develop, execute and accomplish problem solving and programming tasks; (4) Use and solve case studies to further hone programming skills; and (5) To apply the skills learned in Java programming language to write powerful, enterprise- worthy programs that run in the browser, from the desktop, to a server, or on a consumer device.
Class Schedule The class in Programming and Problem Solving using Java is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8:30-10:30 AM and 5:00-6:00 P.M. Computer Room, Second Floor, Computer Science Dept. Summer 2004. Download Syllabus Click the link above to download or print the course syllabus in Java Programming. Lecture Notes
Chapter1.ppt -
Introduction |